You’ll find everything for your child at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Summer Hill.

Out of School Hours Care (OOSH)
St Patrick’s provides on-site before and after school care and vacation care through Weldon to support working families. The service provides a variety of interactive activities and games for students to enjoy.

The classrooms at St Patrick’s are spacious, colourful, well resourced and conducive to learning. Teachers plan for and provide whole class instructions, and opportunities for students to engage in small group and individual learning.

Outdoor learning spaces
The undercover areas of the playground provide excellent spaces for outdoor learning. The students enjoy opportunities to learn in a variety of spaces across the school.

The parish hall is a multi-purpose space utilised on a weekly basis for whole class lessons in music, instrumental ensembles, sport, drama and dance. The hall is also used for whole school celebrations, assemblies, information sessions and Out of School Hours Care.

The library is a well resourced and inviting learning hub within the St Patrick’s school community. Open every day, the library provides an additional learning space for all classes. At lunchtimes, individual students can engage in optional extra-curricular activities such as chess, coding club and wellbeing activities.

Students at St Patrick’s have a lot of fun on the playground. They have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that keep them engaged and active including climbing equipment and sporting equipment to play individual and team games.

St Patrick’s values the role technology plays in supporting learning for all students. Teachers plan activities that allow students to engage with technology as a learning tool. All students have access to an iPad as part of the Bring Your Own Designated Device program (BYODD).